Breastfeeding VS Bottle Feeding


There have been lots of conflicting thoughts presented as to whether breastfeeding is far superior that bottle feeding. Most people and medical experts advocate breastfeeding most of the time. The best nutrition that nursing mothers can give to their babies is through what nature has actually provided for free. Mothers should strive to provide breast milk for their babies as much as possible. They are also contributing to their babies’ optimum health when they breastfeed them. However, there are situations when breastfeeding may not be possible. Then nursing mother may choose to bottle feed their babies instead.

Some mothers may not be able to breastfeed their babies because of valid reasons such as HIV infection. Sometimes nursing mothers may also have some breast infection that would hinder them from breastfeeding their babies. Other reasons may also include the babies’ inability to suck from the mothers’ breasts. Nursing mothers who are under some form of radioactive treatments as well as those who have undergone recent surgeries may not breastfeed their babies. There are also some mothers who need to go to work to support the family and may find it impossible to breastfeed their babies. These may be some of the reasons why mothers may choose to bottle feed their babies instead.

Nursing mothers who bottle feed their babies will have to find a suitable infant formula as recommended by their doctors. It is important to get the best quality for the health and development of their babies. Other members of the family or the spouse can stay with the baby if the mother has to attend to some other tasks outside the home. They may not also feed the baby as often because infant formulas take some longer time to be digested. Bottle feeding may be an advantage for nursing mothers who would like to monitor the amount of feeding that their babies need to have.

There are also some disadvantages of bottle feeding babies. Those who are preparing the infant formula must see to it that they follow the right mixture of water and milk. They must also have to maintain cleanliness by sterilizing feeding bottles and nipples every day. Unlike breastfeeding, bottle feeding with infant formula may lack the essential antibodies that protect the babies from illness. Another disadvantage of bottle feeding is that it may cause more problems with gasses in the stomach as well as with constipation. Infant formulas also are expensive at this time. Nursing mothers who have the opportunity of breastfeeding their babies should take advantage of it as much as possible. They may only choose bottle feeding in cases where breastfeeding is really impossible to do.


Smoking and Pregnancy


Smoking and Pregnancy

There are countless people including pregnant women who smoke cigarettes at present. Some of these women may not be aware of the negative effects of their smoking habits on the unborn within their womb. The harmful substances may affect the growth and development of the fetus. Pregnant women who are heavy smokers have greater chances of experience abnormal conditions such as ectopic pregnancy. This usually occurs during their first trimester. The embryo may not grow as expected in its proper place. Instead it may develop along the fallopian tubes. When this happens, there is no chance for fetal survival. The life of the mother is also in danger as well.

Other studies also presents that pregnant women who smoke cigarettes also increase their risk of developing other health complications. They are more prone to problems in relation to the placenta. They may experience conditions where it blocks the entry point to the cervix. Cigarette smoking has degenerative effect on fetal growth and development. Babies may be born with weights below normal. They may likewise be affected by some diseases. Babies are more prone to suffer conditions such as cerebral palsy or mental deficiency as well as retardation too. At times, they may die because of weak bodies. Other babies may suffer from physical defects like cleft palate.

Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes may also affect the health of their babies after they are born. There have been some studies that present how nicotine can be absorbed by babies through breastfeeding. Nursing mothers may have some difficulty in controlling their urge to smoke. They may not also be aware that it is possible for their babies to be affected by their smoking habits right from the milk from their breasts. This may also be one of the causes for the babies to be smokers when they reach early adult life.

Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes have to make the right choices not only for themselves but for the unborn in their womb too. These unborn beings do not have to suffer the dangers and ill-effects of smoking cigarettes. It is the mothers’ responsibility to carry and bring out healthy babies into this world. Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes will have to decide. They will have to think about dragging the unborn beings into miserable lives that they did not choose. The ill-effects of cigarette smoking do not end in giving birth. Babies will be affected throughout their entire lives. Pregnant women have responsibilities towards themselves and to their babies as well.


Baby Bath Time


First time parents may feel a little scared in handling their baby bath time. However, this should be one of the most exciting and wonderful experience for parents to do. Parents especially mothers should relax and enjoy the moments. They only have to know how they will hold their babies properly. In time, they will gain more experience and be better at it. The first thing that parents should do is to prepare all the things that are needed during baby bath time.

Parents may prepare the following things:

  • A small bowl of warm water
  • Clean cotton balls
  • A soft sponge
  • Mild baby soap
  • Clean and dry towel
  • Thermometer
  • Fresh and clean baby clothes
  • Warm baby blanket

The first thing that parents will have to do is to clean their babies’ faces. They can dip some cotton balls into the warm water and then gently clean the surface of the skin. There is no need for soap as it may just irritate the skin of newborn babies. They may also clean the eyes by lightly dabbing each with the cotton balls or some soft cloth. Mothers may also gently clean the mucous out from their babies’ nostrils.

Parents may prepare their babies’ tub by putting enough water of about 5 inches only. They may add more water to the tub as their babies grow. It is important to check on the room temperature so that their babies may not feel so cold when undressed. They may need at least 37 ° C for the room as well as for the water temperature. Parents will have to clean their babies first before their baby bath time if they have soiled their diapers. They may also be ready as their babies can make pee the moment they feel the water in the tub. They have to use some old towels or some piece of cloth for them to pee on.

When everything has been set for baby bath time, parents may now undress their babies. They will have to use one hand as a support for the neck and the head of their babies while they wash them in the tub. Parents have to be careful so that their babies will not slip away from their grip. They should firmly hold their babies but they have to see to it that they are not hurting them as well.

Parents may now proceed with bathing their babies from the head to the toes. They can make use of some sponge to soap their babies from front to their backs too. They may wash their babies’ genitals gently and rinse them very well. They will have to wrap their babies on clean dry towels as soon as they lift them up from the tub.  Parents may opt to use some mild lotion to keep their skin from being dry. They will have to dress their babies quickly and wrap them in warm blanket. Parents must see to it that they do not take too long in washing their babies. Baby bath time is a great bonding time for both parents and babies.
