Nutrition in Pregnancy


Women who observe proper nutrition in pregnancy have lesser problems and complications. They also tend to have bigger and healthier babies upon delivery. Proper nutrition in pregnancy includes foods that contain nutrients that pregnant women and their babies need. Pregnant women may eat a variety of food such as bread, cereals or grains as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. They may also have some meat, poultry and also beans, eggs and nuts. Pregnant women may also add to their diet some dairy products such as milk, yogurt and also some cheese.

However, though pregnant women may have variation in their food choices, they have to take note of the quantity of food serving that they will eat. For the bread, grains and cereals group, they may have about 6 to 11 servings. They may have to consult the food pyramid in order for them to know how much of each kind they can eat in a meal. A plate of pasta contains more calories that two slices of bread for example. Pregnant women may also eat grains and cereals that are fortified with B vitamins as well as with iron.

Proper nutrition in pregnancy should also include fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which are essential for maintaining good health of both mother and the developing fetus. Fruits may include oranges, grapefruits, berries, cantaloupe, apricots and many more. Aside from the vitamins and the minerals that are found in vegetables, the fibrous ones may prevent the occurrence of constipation among pregnant women. It is important for pregnant women to eat more of the fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C on a daily basis since the body is not able to store this important vitamin.

Proper nutrition in pregnancy should also include proteins that may come from fish, chicken, meat and also from beans, eggs and nuts as well. Sufficient amount of protein is needed for the cells to grow and to replace the old ones.  Dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt not only provides protein but calcium as well. Calcium is especially important for the mother and for the baby especially in teeth and bone formation. There are a variety of delectable dishes where dairy products may be included for women who do not like to drink their milk.

Pregnant women may be guided by the food pyramid. They may also consult their nutritionists or their dieticians in order for them to eat the right kind of foods all throughout their pregnancy. After all, it is not only their health that is at stake but it is also for the health of the developing babies inside their wombs.



Pregnancy and Morning Sickness


Most pregnant women may experience morning sickness. However, they must understand that this condition in pregnancy does not only happen in the morning but on other times of the day. Pregnant women may have some feeling of nausea and the urge to vomit though the degree of this morning sickness may vary. Though most women feel the worst symptoms in the morning, some may feel it anytime throughout the day. There may be about 25% women who may not undergo this difficult stage of pregnancy especially on the first trimester. Some women may experience both feelings of nausea and vomiting but there are those who only have nausea.

Women who are about six weeks pregnant may start to feel this morning sickness. There are some pregnant women who may begin feeling these symptoms as early as four weeks. These unpleasant symptoms of being pregnant may extend over the next months. However, pregnant women may feel relieved as they reach 14 months of their pregnancy. Others may experience it all throughout their pregnancy. Morning sickness is one of the challenges that pregnant women have to tackle. They may feel severe or mild symptoms but nevertheless, it is still one of the predicaments of any pregnant woman.

There may be some possible causes of morning sickness among pregnant women. It may be attributed to the changes in their hormones particularly the human chorionic gonadotropin or hcg. However, there are no evidences yet to connect the rise in hcg with morning sickness but it is believed that it may be one of the causes. This may be due to the timing when the increase in the levels of this hormone coincides with the heightened feelings of nausea and vomiting. Another hormone that might contribute to morning sickness is estrogen which also increases during the early stages of pregnancy.

Pregnant women may also become very sensitive to odors and to smell. A particular scent may trigger their feelings of being gagged that may lead to vomiting. This situation is also associated with higher levels of estrogen though are no direct evidences yet. Pregnant women may also experience more sensitive gastrointestinal tracts at this time. This may also lead to the symptoms of morning sickness. Some studies have also been conducted on the psychological predisposition of pregnant women to nausea and vomiting as their way of responding to stress. But up to this time, there are still no solid facts to confirm this thought.

Whatever the causes of morning sickness are among pregnant women, they will have to deal with it as part of their pregnancy. They may study some tips on how to get along with their pregnancy and their morning sickness without too much problem. However, pregnant women will have to understand that each of their pregnancies is unique though they may feel the same possible symptoms. There are still other factors that may contribute to this condition that most pregnant women encounter during the early stages or throughout their pregnancy.


Pregnancy and Heartburn


Pregnant women may at times feel some painful sensation on their chest and they usually refer to this as heartburn. This burning sensation may be happen when the valve that is located between the esophagus and the stomach does not function properly. The stomach acids may go back to the food pipes in this case. Heartburn in pregnancy may be expected because of the tendency of the progesterone hormone to relax muscles as well as this particular valve. When the stomach acids get into the esophagus, the linings are irritated.

Heartburn during pregnancy may likely happen more during the third trimester as the developing fetus puts more pressure on the stomach and the intestines which in turn may push the stomach acids back into the food pipes. Pregnant women may not be able to prevent the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy but they can do something about it in order to lessen or minimize it.

Pregnant women should avoid eating foods or drinking beverages that may cause gastrointestinal distress such as carbonated drinks as well as alcohol. There are many kind of food that they need to stay away from or at least minimize their intake like caffeine, chocolate and also citrus fruits. In order to lessen the occurrence of heartburn during pregnancy, they are also advised to eat small portions of food but they can eat more frequently like small meals spread all throughout the day.

When eating, pregnant women need to chew their food properly and although they are advised to drink several glasses of water in a day, they should also avoid taking drinking large quantities of juices and other fluids especially with meals. This would enable them to lessen the sensations of heartburn during pregnancy. Pregnant women also need to have at least an hour or two after the last meal before they go to bed.

To decrease this chest pains brought about by heartburn during pregnancy, women may also try to sleep with their head elevated by using wedge pillows. This will help them keep the acids in the stomach and prevent it from returning to the esophagus. Pregnant women have to watch their weight gain so they would prevent obesity to occur as this can also contribute to heartburn during pregnancy.

There may be some over the counter remedies for heartburn during pregnancy but pregnant women have to ask for the advice of their doctors. They have to make sure that what they are taking is safe not only for themselves but for their babies as well. Heartburn during pregnancy may not be totally avoided but pregnant women can do some safe things in order to help themselves minimize its occurrence.

