Premature Babies


Though there are lots of premature babies being born, the causes for this condition cannot yet be fully understood. At the most parents especially mothers would need to know what to expect when their babies are born before it reaches full term. Although normal pregnancy should reach about 40 weeks, there are babies that may be born between the week 37 and week 42. They are still considered full term babies. However, babies that may be born before the week 37 has been completed are classified as premature babies.

There are a number of premature babies being born each year. This situation makes premature births to be one of the health problems that people have to deal with. Premature babies are more prone to health complications upon birth which at times can be fatal. They have to be placed under intensive care with properly trained staff and equipment that can provide the necessary care especially when multiple health problems have to be dealt with. Aside from complications after birth, premature babies may also suffer other problems such as long term disabilities like mental retardation, learning as well as some behavioral problems. They may likely suffer cerebral palsy, lung problems and loss of hearing and vision as well.

There are also some recent studies that indicate adult health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart diseases which may be developed by premature babies when they grow up. Some pregnant women are more prone to having premature babies especially when they have had some similar experience in the past. Pregnant women who have twins or triplets may also have premature babies. Those who also have some uterine or some abnormalities in the cervix may give birth to premature babies. The premature births may be caused by the spontaneous preterm labor. The sac holding the baby may also break too early before the baby reaches full term.

Although the real causes of preterm labor and the breaking of the sac are not clear, there are some conditions that may contribute to pregnant women’s giving birth to premature babies. Some pregnant women may lack prenatal care. They may also be indulging themselves in dangerous substances brought about by smoking, alcohol drinking or using illegal drugs. Pregnant women may also have premature babies if they are exposed to some medication. Other contributory factors may also include all forms of domestic violence as well as the lack of social support, stressful conditions, long working hours as well as being exposed to pollution.

The conditions mentioned above may contribute to the problems of pregnant women who are giving birth to premature babies. They may be able to prevent such occurrence if they live healthier lifestyles and if they are in better health condition. Each pregnant woman has to take care not only of herself but her baby as well. Pregnant women must always remember that whatever they do, their babies inside their tummies are affected as well.


Delivering a Breech Baby


There are times when women experience delivering a breech baby. However, most of the time babies are delivered head first which is the normal position but at times their feet is at the bottom. There are lots of babies who are in the breech position at the early stages of pregnancy but most often, they position themselves with their heads down especially at the later stages. Some babies who are born very early may be in this position. Sometimes there is too much amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. This may also cause the baby to take the breech position.

Pregnant women may also be delivering a breech baby if they have more than one baby in their uterus. Their doctors may be able to determine the position of their babies through physical examination especially when they are near their delivery period. Pregnant women may also undergo ultrasound in order for them to know the position of their babies before their expected date. Delivering a breech baby is usually done through caesarian section. However, there times when pregnant women can do it through vaginal delivery. Although this type of delivery is possible, pregnant women may be risking some complications.

A pregnant woman who will be delivering a breech baby needs to know the possible consequences. Vaginal delivery of a breech baby may cause injuries to the baby while on the delivery process and even after the delivery.  These injuries may also cause some birth defects that the baby is likely to suffer. Vaginal delivery of a breech baby may cause the hip socket of the baby to be separated from his or her thighbone. The baby may also suffer from problems with his or her umbilical cord because it can be compressed during the process. This situation can cause some nerves and the brain to be damaged because oxygen cannot get through.

Most doctors would recommend delivering a breech baby through caesarian section. Pregnant women should also know that there are possible risks also in this kind of delivery. They may suffer from bleeding and infection. They also need to stay a little longer in the hospital. Pregnant women have to see their doctors regularly. Their doctors may be able to help them so that their babies go into the head down position for the birthing process. Some doctors may recommend special exercises for pregnant women to get their breech babies into their proper position.

Doctors may also help pregnant women to avoid delivering a breech baby by using the external cephalic version of turning the baby inside the uterus. This procedure may put the baby into the normal position of having its head down first. Experienced doctors may perform this procedure after determining its possibility. Pregnant women may undergo this process towards the last stages of pregnancy prior to delivery. This is usually done by the 37th month of pregnancy. Although this is possible, not all pregnant women with breech babies will be able to have their babies turned around. Pregnant women will have to consult with their doctors about their options in delivering a breech baby.




Baby Talk


Parents are always excited to hear baby talk especially when they have waited for their little one to start saying words. However, they may not realize that the moment their baby was born, he or she has started communicating with them. Parents may not hear words but they would notice their baby to show some facial expressions like smiling or grimacing. Sounds and at times gestures are the baby’s first ways of communicating aside from the usual crying when hungry or feeling uncomfortable. However, for every stage in their baby’s growth and development, his or her communication ways become more prominent until he or she is able to say some words.

By the end of three months, parents may notice more baby talk in the form of cooing as their baby learns to respond. At this time, the baby starts to look at the mouth of the person talking to him or to her. Parents may notice also more interaction on the part of their baby especially when he or she hears a familiar voice. At six months, parents may notice that their baby is already producing some consonant-vowel combination that is said repeatedly. Parents usually equate it with some meaning but the sounds that they hear from their baby do not actually have any meaning yet.

Baby talk at nine months will become prominent and parents may be too happy as their baby starts to understand and say some basic words. The baby also responds when his or her name is called. Parents may also be able to notice that their baby has his or her own unique tone of voice. The baby is also able to make use of more consonant sounds at this time. Parents may also tell what their baby is feeling when they hear how the baby talk is rendered.

By the age of one, parents may feel truly delighted as they hear the baby talk that corresponds to meaning. Their baby at this time is able to follow a very simple instruction. Parents should not be in a hurry though when it comes to the language development of their baby. Though there are developmental tasks for each of the stages of growth and development, there are factors that need to be considered. Some babies may learn how to speak and understand very early but there are those that develop a little later. Parents do not need to worry about it unless that their child is really too far behind from the progress of other babies of the same age.
