Babies and Vaccines


Babies need to be given their shots or vaccines. These may also be referred to as their immunizations. These are important to babies because vaccines help their bodies to resist diseases especially those that are classified as contagious. Serious diseases may include tetanus, polio virus, measles, pertussis as well as mumps and hepatitis among others. Babies are given vaccines on schedules. Mothers may ask their doctors more information about it.

Babies need vaccines and this involves the administration of antigenic material into their bodies. These help protect their bodies from dreaded diseases all throughout their lives. Although there are some side effects such as fever, swelling as well as soreness, these vaccines will help them to become stronger in fighting infectious diseases. The following are important vaccines that babies should receive: DTaP, Hepatitis B and MMR. However, there are still other types of vaccines that should be given to them.

Although babies are born with natural antibodies that have been passed on from their mother to them while they are still inside the womb, these may decrease as they reach their first year of life. There is a need for babies to develop new antibodies that would help them fight diseases. There are contagious diseases that their bodies cannot fight with on their own. However, vaccines provide the new antibodies that they need in order for their bodies to be able to resist the deadly diseases.

Vaccines work on the baby’s immune system. It allows the immune system to recognize it and fight if there is an infection. The vaccines are actually made from the virus itself though in its inactive form.  However, there are instances where the vaccines are taken from the weakened form of a virus that is still alive. The vaccines do not really cause the babies to be sick but it serves as a stimulus for the body to be able to identify it.

Although some mothers fear for their babies’ health, they are reluctant to have these vaccines or immunization given. It is important for them to learn more about the vaccines and how they work inside their babies’ bodies. Their babies’ bodies have the capacity to take the antigens or the so-called immune triggers that are in the vaccines. These help the immune system to fight any form of foreign body that enters their systems. For new mothers, there is still a lot more to learn and to do in order to keep their babies healthy and strong while they are growing up.


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