Baby Colds: How to Deal With Your Baby’s First Colds


So your baby is hit by their first colds. Seeing them uncomfortable with clogged or runny nose, rashes, fever, and sometimes diarrhea – most first time parents, especially first time mums are mixed with terrifying emotions on how are they going to handle this type of health issue with their baby. Here, we will discuss baby colds and how to deal with your baby’s first time colds.

No matter how we wanted to protect our babies from fever, baby colds are in fact a helpful factor in building our baby’s future immune system. So where and how did our little ones get affected with this viral type of infection?

Since baby colds is also considered as a virus infirmity – your baby possibly acquire his/her colds from one of the family member that is infected by the same issue while sneezing or coughing that may spread the virus all throughout the house.

Do Not Fear – Your baby’s first colds is somehow a good factor that you need not to fear about. Knowing that your baby is now exposed into this type of health infection, it also means that your baby’s immune system is exposed with the type of virus that your baby’s body is trying to fight against with. Although there are many types of viruses that can possibly cause fever and baby colds – knowing that your baby is now hit by a common cold is also an idea that his/her system is building a resistance to this type of health malady.

Let Colds Run Their System – Usually common baby colds runs for up to 10 days as the longest, although you should expect longer periods for coughing as it mostly occur after fever, and runny or clogged nose. Basically, let your baby’s immune system fights the type of virus that cause him/her the infirmity, as you take part with working on how to lessen the discomfort of symptoms to your baby.

Ease The Symptoms The Right Way – You can opt for natural remedies, or ask your baby’s pediatrician for the right paracetamol or ibuprofen that is perfectly made for infant’s dosage. Be reminded to always seek a physician’s advice if you know nothing about feeding the right medications to your little one. Basically, never opt for antibiotics as it is made to kill bacteria, and not virus infections.

Important Reminders:

If your baby is experiencing high fever temperature (38 – 39 Celsius) and shivers, don’t hesitate to visit a doctor and schedule a checkup right away.

You may also want to consider these symptoms when visiting a doctor if your baby is experiencing continuous cough, skin rashes, vomiting, and redness of eyes. If these symptoms persist, your baby might as well experiencing heavy headaches, and chest pain. Baby colds is not a serious health issue, but depending on the type of physical state that your baby has, first time colds in your baby can quite be a problem.


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