Easing Colic in Babies


Colic in babies is one of the things that parents should know about. They may be able to deal with it properly at the same time ease the suffering of their babies. Colic is a form of stomach ache that usually occurs after eating. Babies may cry their lungs out for hours nonstop. Parents at times may get irritated especially if they know that their babies are full and they have changed their diapers. Most of the time, this happens especially late in the afternoon or in the early evening. However, there are some cases when colic in babies may happen even during daytime.

Parents especially mothers may check some signs if they suspect colic in babies. They will have to see if the stomach of their babies are swollen or are enlarged. They may also observe that one of the legs may be bent while the other stays straight out. The babies may be clenching their hands very tight because of the pain they are feeling. Parents may feel that the toes of their babies are cold as well. Colic in babies may not be common to all and the severity of the pain may vary. Though there are no known causes yet of colic in babies, experts point out to genetic factors.

Parents may ease colic in babies by being observant. They may also avoid over feeding their babies especially if they observe some predisposition towards being colicky. Mothers should avoid giving foods that may cause colic in babies.  These may include those that contain much sugar as well as with fruit juices that cause the stomach to have some gas. Mothers may also take note of what they are eating as they may be passing it to their babies through breastfeeding. It is also best to avoid strong emotions because it can also affect the infant.

Parents will have to know how to ease colic in babies. There is no cure for it so parents will simply have to help their babies. They may try comforting the babies by rubbing or patting their backs. They may also use some products that ease the discomfort of their babies. However, parents need to make sure that they are safe for their babies. Parents need to be calm and not to be too emotional. Their reaction to what is happening to their babies may worsen what their babies feel. Parents have to read and know more about colic in babies. Nonstop crying in babies may mean that they really feel very ill. Parents need to be sensitive to recognize their babies’ problems especially those that are brought about by colic in babies.


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