Homemade Foods for Babies


Parents may start preparing homemade foods for babies when they are ready to eat solid foods. Parents may prepare and store the natural and organic foods for their babies. They will be able to save on costs and they are sure that their babies will get the nutrients that they need. Homemade foods for babies are tastier and more satisfying to babies than those that have been pre-packaged or manufactured. Parents also lessen the risks of giving their babies chemically laden baby foods. Shopping for natural or organic foods may not be difficult if parents would choose those that are in season.

Parents who would like to make homemade foods for babies need some kitchen devices or equipment to help them with their work. They need to have blenders or some kind of food processors. Aside from buying fresh produce that are in season, they may also include some chicken and rice. However, parents have to see to make sure that they heat the meals of their babies properly and evenly. They may not add any artificial sweeteners as natural foods are sweet and tasty. Parents may add just a little seasoning for taste and only when it is needed.

Parents who are preparing homemade foods for babies may introduce one kind of food at a time. If parents would observe some allergic reactions, then they would exactly know what food has caused it. Baby leftover food should be discarded. Parents may think it is a waste but they cannot risk the health of their babies especially with contaminated food. Parents may store prepared homemade foods for babies in the freezer. They may check which types of foods they can store longer. Parents also have to make use of containers for the prepared baby foods that are suitable. Glass jars may not be the best ones to use.

Parents who prepare homemade foods for babies are providing the best sources of nutrients needed. It is also wiser for parents to keep their babies from processed foods which may affect their health and well-being in the long run. This will also help babies develop their taste for the natural food and they would not be so difficult to feed as they grow up. Babies deserve the best foods from the most natural ingredients as much as possible. Their health and their well-being are of utmost important especially for parents who really care. Homemade goods for babies will definitely aid in their growth and development.


Potty Training Small Kids


Potty training small kids may be difficult for parents at first. However, parents need not be too stressed about it. Small kids will learn in due time and parents need to be patient. They would know when it is time for potty training small kids. Parents may wait until their small kids are ready. This may entail them a longer period to finally want to be potty trained; however, small kids acquire the self confidence that they need especially in being independent. This approach may be very effective especially when small kids receive all the support and the patience of their parents.

This is the relaxed approach that can be used by parents in potty training small kids. They may allow their small kids to just sit on the toilet even with their diapers on. They may ask permission from their kids if they would like to remove their diapers before they sit. Parents may remind their small kids once every hour. However, they must not force their small kids if they do not like to make use of their potties. Parents may wait until their small kids would want to go. Parents should not be so eager for this accomplishment of their kids so that the small children do not feel that they are being pressured to have to do it again.

Busy parents can employ the use of the quick way of potty training small kids. They may be able to do this in one day. Parents can get their small kids prepared for it by letting them drink lots of fluids. They may then let their small kids sit and wait for them to be able to use the potty. Parents may let them sit them as a reminder that they will have to use it in case they make some accident. However, the quick way of potty training small kids may not be effective for everybody. Some kids may not respond to it positively so parents will have to be patient until their small kids are ready to be potty trained.

Some parents may want neither the quick way nor the long wait in potty training small kids. They can make use of training their small kids to use the potty. Parents may let them use training pants and to make use of small potties for kids. They may then guide their small kids to make use of their potties if they think that it is time. Small kids may have some accidents as they are being potty trained. However, parents should not scold them but instead to guide them that they have to make use of their potties when needed.


Gastroenteritis among Babies and Toddlers


Babies and toddlers may experience some problems like gastroenteritis especially during summer time. They may display some signs of being colic and may suffer diarrhea as well. At times some babies or toddlers may also become very pale and may vomit. Some of them may also experience some fever. Gastroenteritis among babies and toddlers may be caused by the sudden change in the temperature. They may suddenly feel the cold chill running through their bellies. Parents who bring their babies or toddlers to the mall will have to protect them so that they may not be affected much by the change from the warm temperature outside to the chilling temperature inside.

Gastroenteritis among babies and toddlers may also be caused by some food that they have eaten. Parents have to check the food that they give to their babies or toddlers especially when the weather is very warm. Foods are easily contaminated during warm summers. At times the gastroenteritis among babies and toddlers may also come from viruses. Parents will have to help their babies or toddlers if ever they are affected by it. Mothers may continue to breastfeed their babies who are suffering from this illness. Babies may recover faster because of the natural anti-bodies and they may also be hydrated with their mothers’ breast milk.

Mothers who are giving their babies some infant formulas will have to seek their pediatricians for proper diagnosis and treatment. They may be advised to stop giving the infant formula for the time being until their babies have recovered. Mothers will have to see to it that they keep their babies hydrated especially when they are suffering from diarrhea. Parents may prepare solutions with hydrating salts for their babies to drink from time to time. Mothers who are breastfeeding their babies may let them suck milk in small quantities especially when their babies are vomiting.

Parents need to be careful with their babies and toddlers especially when illnesses such as gastroenteritis become common due to the climate or season. They have to see to it that their babies and toddlers are well-protected all the time especially with sudden changes in temperature. They may always bring with them something to keep their babies warm especially their belly part. In case their babies or toddlers suffer from gastroenteritis, they will have to see to it that they are well-hydrated all throughout. Parents may give lots of water and other liquids to help ease the stomach troubles of babies and toddlers.
