Caring for Babies’ Gums and Teeth


It is necessary for mothers to start helping their babies in practicing oral hygiene even before their first tooth has come out. Mothers can make use of a clean gauze material or a soft washcloth whenever they have to clean the gums of their babies. They may simply wrap it on their index finger and then wipe the gums of their babies by rubbing it gently. Although there are no teeth yet where bacteria may accumulate, it would be better to start early so the babies get used to the routine of cleaning their gums and mouth. Mothers would find it easier later to introduce the use of the toothbrush to clean their teeth.

It is also important that mothers select a toothbrush that is appropriate for babies. Some babies have their first tooth by the time they reach 6 months old while others may have it when they reach about a year. Mothers may use only a small amount of toothpaste with fluoride to clean the tooth or teeth of their babies. They will also have to clean the tongue part in order to remove any bacteria that may be thriving because it can cause bad breath later on when left on its own. Mothers may use dental floss if the surfaces of the teeth of their babies are touching each other but if they see that the teeth are still away from each other, there is no need to do it.

Babies will need enough fluoride to strengthen their tooth enamel in order to prevent the development of tooth decay. Mothers can give their babies water with fluoride and they can also use toothpaste that contains this mineral as well. However, mothers have to take note that babies below six months old do not really need to drink water with fluoride as they can get proper hydration from their breast milk or from their infant formula. They may use water with fluoride when preparing the infant formula. However, mothers should also be aware that too much fluoride is not good for their babies. Babies may develop fluorosis which shows as white spots on their teeth when they reach adulthood.

Mothers who are not sure whether they are giving their babies the right amount of fluoride may consult with their doctors. Medical experts may determine the amount of fluoride that should be given and they can also recommend some fluoride drops in case it is really needed by the babies. There are still other things that mothers should know especially in maintaining the oral hygiene of their babies. Mothers may start early in caring for the gums and for the first teeth of their babies in order to help them become healthier and stronger.



Newborn Babies and Hiccups


Some parents may be concerned about hiccups that are experienced by their newborn babies. However, this may be very common occurrence and may be considered to be normal not only among new born babies but to all individuals regardless of their age. It does not mean though that mothers take the hiccupping of their newborn babies for granted. Their understanding about the nature and the things that they can do may help their babies overcome this annoying problem.

Hiccups may occur when the vocal cords are shut because of forcefully inhaling air and the muscle sheet experiences some sort of a sudden pull that at times may feel like spasm. Hiccups may occur especially when the muscular sheet or the diaphragm gets irritated. Hiccups are produced when the air coming in gets in contact with the vocal cords. Newborn babies are prone to experiencing hiccups for a variety of reasons and they may have it for just a few minutes though at times they can have it for some hours. Babies who are bottle-fed tend to swallow more air so they can have hiccups more often. Sometimes the milk formula itself can trigger the problem. Other causes may include upset babies who suck in their milk forcefully and quickly and babies who are affected by gastro-esophageal reflux problem.

Parents especially mothers may help their newborn babies prevent hiccups by checking how they feed their babies with their infant formula. They have to see to it that their babies are drinking or sucking their milk slowly. Mothers may help their newborn babies to burp after every feeding. They may also try to change the way they hold the baby while feeding so that the newborns are comfortable. Mothers may monitor the feeding interval so they can prepare the milk formula just before their newborn babies get hungry. They also have to see to it that their infants are calm and relaxed before they start breastfeeding or bottle-feeding them.

Mothers may have lesser problems with hiccups among their newborn babies if they feed them in smaller quantities but at more or less regular intervals. They may try to feed their babies with warm water to lessen the problem. Although hiccups are considered to be a normal occurrence even among infants, it is still best for mothers to know how to prevent it for the convenience of their babies. They may bring their newborn babies to their doctors in case their problems on hiccups occur for over 48 hours.


Caring for Premature and Underweight Babies


Full term babies may not have so much of a problem in terms of their weight when they are born. However, most premature babies may not reach the expected normal range of weight upon birth and the succeeding months of life. It is necessary that mothers know how to take care of their premature and underweight babies. Most often these babies have lower immunity levels and are more prone to health problems. Pregnant women may be able to prevent such problems by going for their check-ups regularly. It is also important that they do not take any medication without the advice of their doctors as at times it can cause problems to their babies’ health as well.

There are certain things that mothers have to do in case they give birth to premature and underweight babies. They can for example try breast feeding their babies as soon as they can after childbirth. Their babies are expected to grow at a faster rate than babies who have reached full term. These babies will then require more nourishment to catch up with their weight gain that is expected for the next months of their lives. Mothers may want to put their babies on bottle feeding but they should try to refrain from doing so as much as possible.

However, there are times when premature and underweight babies have to be fed on tubes because they are not able to such milk from their mothers. In such cases, mothers will have to hold their babies close to them in order to help them feel better. Their tiny bodies need special care especially when lifting them up. These babies also need to be fed more often because their bodies do not also have enough reserve unlike normal babies. Mothers should not let their premature babies to be sleeping on their stomach because of the danger of SIDS.

Mothers may put on a little more effort in taking care of their premature and underweight babies. They have to make sure that everything is clean and that their babies do not get in contact with anyone who is sick. These babies can easily catch infection because of their lower immunity levels so it is best for mothers to prevent any sick person from getting too close to their babies. With diligence and sufficient care, premature and underweight babies can grow and catch up with the rest of the normal babies in terms of physical and mental development.

