Babies and Thumb Sucking


Parents may find thumb sucking just a normal thing for their babies to do. However, it can become a habit until their babies grow as children and this can become difficult to overcome later. Parents may prevent this from becoming a habit by understanding more how they can deal with it. Babies thumb suck because they need to be comforted or they may just be hungry. They may also do this because they are trying to explore their physical body. Parents are advised not to pull their babies’ thumb right out of their mouths if they see them doing it. They may only be encouraging their babies to develop the habit instead.

Most babies are able to stop their thumb sucking problem by the time they reach the ages of 3-6. Parents though have to understand that their babies may just be not getting enough fill when they are breast fed or bottle fed so they suck on their thumbs by instinct. Mothers have to see to it that they feed their babies at regular intervals like every three hours so that their babies’ hunger needs are met as this would prevent them from turning to thumb sucking. Babies may start sucking their thumbs even before they are born but parents can help their babies stop it from developing into a habit.

Experts say that most breast fed babies are usually more satisfied during their feeding time and as such, they do not usually tend to resort to thumb sucking. Mothers who bottle feed their babies on the other hand will have to see to that their babies are able to finish their bottles for about 20 minutes. They have to check that the nipples do not have too large or too small holes and they also have to replace the nipple with new ones from time to time. There are also times when the feeding time is not the problem as thumb sucking can also be observed when teeth start to come out. Mothers who are aware of this will understand that the thumb sucking is a way for their babies to relieve the pain and the discomforts that are brought about by teething.

Parents can help their babies by providing the love and the care that they need. They do not have to make their babies feel very conscious about the thumb sucking problem. Babies may be given toys to play with so that they get distracted and for them to refrain from developing the habit. Parents have to remember that corrective measures are most of the times not the best ways to stop the problem. They may instead encourage their babies to stop sucking their thumbs without threatening them in any way.


Caring for Blue Babies


Methemoglobinemia or the blue baby syndrome affects infants. Their blood is not able to carry sufficient oxygen to all of the body cells and body tissues. This condition is caused by an increase in the amount of methemoglobin within the blood that circulates. This is an enzyme that the body continually produces and it does not carry oxygen. Although it is converted into hemoglobin which can carry oxygen, it needs methemoglobin reductase to do that. Most infants do not have enough of this reductase so an excess in methemoglobin may occur which can be fatal especially when it is not treated as soon as possible.

The baby blue syndrome may be caused by too much nitrates contained in drinking water. The substance goes into the digestive system and then may be absorbed into the blood stream. The nitrates then react to the hemoglobin which could result to high levels of methemoglobin. This can affect the tissues and the organs of infants especially when there is not much oxygen delivered. The infants develop some sort of a bluish coloring because of the deprivation of oxygen for an extended period of time which may have caused respiratory and digestive problems as well.

Other causes of this condition among babies may include congenital heart defects. There are also times when there are underlying causes which may not have been diagnosed correctly. Infants may undergo medication as well as careful monitoring or they may have to undergo open heart surgery. Some causes may be prevented like making sure that the drinking water is safe especially for babies under six months old. Parents can monitor the nitrate contents of their drinking water at home. Infants with congenital disorders may undergo treatment right after birth. Invasive cardiac surgeries though are only done when it is really necessary.

Treatment for blue baby syndrome is now available unlike before where infants have to die or suffer from it. Proper pre-natal care is important not only for monitoring the health of the mother but of the baby as well. Parents may not be able to detect right away if their babies are suffering from this problem because most likely, the bluish color may appear only when there is some physical exertion such as crying. Some congenial heart defects may also be observed when the babies are a little older. It is then necessary for parents especially for mothers to be observant about their infants while they are growing so it would be possible to treat the problem as early as possible.





How a Developing Fetus Gets Oxygen and Nutrition


What women eat when they are pregnant will eventually be the source of nutrition for their developing babies inside their womb. The life-support system of the fetus depends on several temporary organs of the body. This includes the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic sac. Women should eat healthy foods as much as possible not only for their own health benefits but for the health of their babies as well. Aside from the food that they eat, the bodies of pregnant women break down some of their muscle and their fat tissues and their bones as well to release proteins, fats and also calcium to sustain the needs of the developing fetus.

The umbilical cord of the fetus is connected to the placenta which absorbs the oxygen and the nutrients from the mother’s bloodstream.  The waste materials from the fetus goes to the placenta as well and then it is transferred back into the mother’s bloodstream for processing. When the developing fetus does not get sufficient nutrition, the placenta may increase in size in order to absorb more nutrients that the baby needs. Doctors may be able to determine if the fetus is receiving enough nutrients based on the size of the placenta. What pregnant women eat will be the source of nutrition for their babies so it is necessary that they consume extra nutrients that are needed for the normal growth and development of their babies prior to birth.

Some of these important nutrients include folic acid and iron which helps in the prevention of birth defects. Medical experts recommend about 300 additional caloric intake each day for the fetus’ development to be sustained. Pregnant women may include healthy snacks in between their regular meals so that their bodies and their babies will have enough source of nourishment. However, there are instances when problems may occur with the placenta. There are cases when placental abruption may happen where the placenta detaches itself off the uterine wall.

When this happens, premature birth may be expected to occur because there is no other way for nutrition and oxygen to be passed on to the fetus. Pregnant women who experience some vaginal bleeding have to see their doctors right away because it might signal problems such as placental abruption. Under normal circumstances the placenta is expelled right after the delivery of the baby. Doctors may also check and examine the placenta to make sure that there is no problem with the health conditions of the mother and the baby after the delivery.
