Feeding Newborn Babies



New mothers may be anxious and nervous about feeding newborn babies. They may not know exactly how much they are supposed to give. They may also wonder how often they should do it. However, mothers do not need to think so much about it. Their babies have their own internal regulation mechanism. Babies may show some signs of hunger like uneasiness or crying. Mothers will have to be patient until their babies are able to follow a pattern. They have to adjust to their new environment and to their new activities. They may help their babies learn their schedule in feeding. Mothers have to be sensitive enough to discern what their babies need. They have the natural instinct that tells them about the time for feeding newborn babies.

Mothers together with their babies will be able to adjust to their new schedule in time. Mothers will then learn that feeding newborn babies may not be that difficult especially if they are breastfed. Mothers may not have too much problem. They do not need to spend time in preparing some infant formula, washing and sterilizing baby bottles. Those who choose to bottle-feed their babies may have to do these things before feeding newborn babies. Mothers will have to get the appropriate milk formula. They may ask their doctors about it.

Whether mothers breastfeed or bottle-feed their babies; it is important for them to establish some schedules for their feeding time. This may also help babies to learn that there is a time for them to get what they need. This will also help mothers to curb behavior problems which may happen when babies do not get used to feeding patterns. Babies may ask and ask to be fed even if they do not really need it. Mothers can do something from the beginning. They can help their babies achieve regular body rhythms through consistent feeding intervals.

Mothers may not have any problem with feeding newborn babies. They may only need to be breastfed or given some milk formula at the start. But as they grow after a few months; they will have to be given other types of food. Mothers may give a little of each food. They may increase the food given as they grow older. Mothers may think of giving their babies some manufactured baby foods. However, mothers can prepare fresh foods without any preservatives instead. This will assure them that their babies will grow healthy and strong. Mothers may start training their babies about acquiring good eating habits early in life. They may do this by feeding newborn babies regularly.


The Importance of Maintaining Baby Teeth


Parents tend to take baby teeth for granted. They may have not fully understood the reasons why these primary teeth are important. Aside from having a better physical appearance, babies need good healthy baby teeth for their nutrition and to aid them in the development of their speech. They also need to have it long enough to facilitate the development of their muscles especially on the face and bones on their jaws. Babies with good primary teeth will also have reserve space for their permanent teeth to grow. Parents especially mothers have to care for their babies’ primary teeth.

Baby teeth aid in chewing food. Babies have to eat well-balanced food and they have to learn how to chew their food properly for nutrition. They may not eat well if their primary teeth are full of tooth decay or they are experiencing sore gums and loose teeth. Babies who learn how to chew their food properly will also have better digestion for better health. Baby teeth are also needed to facilitate speech development. Babies learn to use their speech mechanisms as they grow and their primary teeth will help them form the words correctly. Those who lose their baby teeth very early tend to have some difficulties in speaking later.

When babies are able to chew their food well because of their baby teeth, they develop faster. They grow physically and mentally because they are able to take in the proper nutrients that are essential for their development. Chewing just like sucking also serves as an exercise for the development of their facial muscles and their jaws. This is necessary in aiding the baby teeth to come out properly aligned. There are times though that the structure of their primary teeth may also be influenced their genes. This may also be the case when their permanent teeth show up. Healthy baby teeth in general add to better health and to their adorable appearance.

Parents may expect their babies to keep their baby teeth for about five years though some may still have it up to ten years. These primary teeth serve as a guide so that the permanent teeth can grow properly. Parents may consult with their dentists on the things that they can do to preserve the primary teeth of their babies. Qualified dentists may also help parents in maintaining oral hygiene of babies. Babies do not know anything yet about their baby teeth. It is the parents’ responsibility to see to it that the primary teeth of their child are well taken cared of.


The Best Baby Monitor


Expectant mothers may want to avail of the benefits of having a baby monitor. This is a type of a device that mothers can use to monitor their babies. First time mothers may not have any experience using any of these devices. However, they will not find any difficulty using it. They will not have to worry about their sleeping babies while they do some other chores at home.  Mothers can choose from the different types of monitor which includes the audio or the video type and those that can be used to monitor movement or breathing.

A lot of mothers prefer to use the audio type of baby monitor. Mothers will have to put the transmitter in the nursery. They can listen to the sounds made by their babies. Mothers can be alerted when their babies would start to wake up and cry. They may select from the traditional type which can be plugged into sockets. Mothers may want to use the rechargeable models that are available today. Though mothers know nothing about some technical aspects of the baby monitor, they will have to see to it that they stay within the range. They may also check for any signs of interference and adjust the baby monitor as needed. They need not worry about how they would use the baby monitor as most gadgets and devices today are user friendly.

Aside from the audio baby monitor, there are also other types of monitors that mothers might be interested to know. They can also have the intercom model that allows them to talk to their babies without them having to go to their nurseries. Mothers can also make use of models equipped with lights or some lullabies that can be activated manually or automatically. Most of the time, mothers will also have to monitor the temperature in their babies’ nurseries. They can be alerted if the levels get out of range.

Mothers may want a video monitor for their babies. They may feel more at ease if they see their babies every now and then without having to disturb them in their rooms. They may add other devices such as breathing and movement monitors to assure them that their babies are just fine and sleeping. Though mothers have a lot of choices when it comes to baby monitors, they still have to consider the price. The price ranges may vary depending on the quality and capability of baby monitor that they will choose. In the end, mothers have to find the best one that they can trust to be effective in monitoring their little bundles of joy.

