Baby Growth and Development


New born babies may be sleeping a lot during the first months of life. However, there a lots of things going on in terms of baby growth and development even while they are in deep slumber most of the time. There are different areas where changes are occurring and these include not only the physical but also the cognitive development of babies. Language development, emotional and social development as well as sensory and motor skills development also occurs within the first year of the baby’s life.

Baby growth and development occurring in the physical aspect are readily observed as he or she grows. Though parents may observe that their babies may be losing some weight right after birth, they should not be alarmed. As the babies are able to adjust, they regain their weight at about 10-12 days later. Cognitive development also happens and parents need to interact with their babies often to stimulate brain development. As the baby hears or listen to their parents and to other environmental stimulus, they learn basic sounds of language which becomes the foundation for their speech or for their language development.

Part of baby growth and development also include the emotional and the social aspect. Babies learn to interact and to communicate with the people around them. They may express what they feel through the use of sounds and by the display of facial expressions. However, their discomforts are usually expressed through crying. As babies develop their senses, they are able to recognize those who care for them. They react when they see familiar faces or hear the voices of their parents. They also know how their mothers smell. Their sense of touch is also developed especially around their mouth.

Aside from these aspects of baby growth and development, the motor skills are also developed. Though most of the newborn’s movements are brought about their reflexes and instincts, in time, they learn how to move the other parts of their bodies. It is important that parents communicate with their babies in order for them to grow and develop well. Babies respond to high-pitched voice and also to some gentle touching, hugs as well as kisses. There have been some researches that prove better language development in babies through frequent talking to them as early as possible. Babies also learn faster through the interaction that they experience with the other family members rather than with the toys that they are given to play with.

The stimulus and the kind of environment where babies are raised contribute to baby growth and development. Parents should strive to provide a home atmosphere that would encourage proper baby growth and development.


Babies and Vaccines


Babies need to be given their shots or vaccines. These may also be referred to as their immunizations. These are important to babies because vaccines help their bodies to resist diseases especially those that are classified as contagious. Serious diseases may include tetanus, polio virus, measles, pertussis as well as mumps and hepatitis among others. Babies are given vaccines on schedules. Mothers may ask their doctors more information about it.

Babies need vaccines and this involves the administration of antigenic material into their bodies. These help protect their bodies from dreaded diseases all throughout their lives. Although there are some side effects such as fever, swelling as well as soreness, these vaccines will help them to become stronger in fighting infectious diseases. The following are important vaccines that babies should receive: DTaP, Hepatitis B and MMR. However, there are still other types of vaccines that should be given to them.

Although babies are born with natural antibodies that have been passed on from their mother to them while they are still inside the womb, these may decrease as they reach their first year of life. There is a need for babies to develop new antibodies that would help them fight diseases. There are contagious diseases that their bodies cannot fight with on their own. However, vaccines provide the new antibodies that they need in order for their bodies to be able to resist the deadly diseases.

Vaccines work on the baby’s immune system. It allows the immune system to recognize it and fight if there is an infection. The vaccines are actually made from the virus itself though in its inactive form.  However, there are instances where the vaccines are taken from the weakened form of a virus that is still alive. The vaccines do not really cause the babies to be sick but it serves as a stimulus for the body to be able to identify it.

Although some mothers fear for their babies’ health, they are reluctant to have these vaccines or immunization given. It is important for them to learn more about the vaccines and how they work inside their babies’ bodies. Their babies’ bodies have the capacity to take the antigens or the so-called immune triggers that are in the vaccines. These help the immune system to fight any form of foreign body that enters their systems. For new mothers, there is still a lot more to learn and to do in order to keep their babies healthy and strong while they are growing up.


The Baby’s Soft Spot – The Fontanel


New mothers have to understand their baby’s soft spot which is called the fontanel.  This is the soft spot that is seen and felt on top of a baby’s head. This part allows the bony plates that comprise the skull to be flexible so that the baby’s head may be able to get through the limited dimension of the birth canal. However, the soft spot or the fontanel closes when the baby is about 18 to 24 months old.

A new mother may be scared or hesitant to touch her baby’s soft spot or the fontanel. This part is made up of materials that are fibrous and it covers the brain of the baby just beneath the top of the head. Though it is soft to touch, it is able to protect the baby’s brain. The structure of the fontanel also protects the baby when he or she falls head down first. This is often the case as babies’ heads are quite bigger and heavier than the other parts of their body.

Although the sizes of the baby’ soft spot or fontanels vary, extra large ones may indicate some medical conditions. Further tests and medical examinations may be needed for babies that are found out to have some medical conditions. At times the condition of the fontanel may tell something more about the health of the baby. As such, when a mother observes her baby’s soft spot or fontanel to appear sunken, it may indicate that the baby is dehydrated.

When the fontanel is bulging, this may indicate that there is pressure building in the brain of the baby. However, mothers have to make sure so they need to bring their babies to their pediatricians or to medical doctors to determine what may be causing it. Though the fontanel may be the baby’s soft spot, it is safe for the new mother to touch it and to wash the hair on it at bath time.

Though the fontanel is expected to close at a certain time, premature closing may also happen. In some instances it may not close even if the baby has reached 27 months already. In any of the cases, mothers will have to bring their babies to their doctors for proper diagnosis and treatment if necessary. New mothers do not have to worry about the baby’s soft spot or the fontanel. In time, it will close and as their babies grow and develop.

