Women, Pregnancy and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


One of the fears of women is for them to suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS as it is referred to, is an endocrine disorder that affects women anywhere between the ages of 12 and 45.  This is also considered as a genetic disorder; hence, it can run in the family as it is inherited by an offspring from a parent. Polycystic ovarian syndrome may be one main cause of sub-fertility among women. Women who may be affected by PCOS may experience irregular menstruation and anovulation. They may also have amenorrhea, polycystic ovaries as well as some extra amount of masculinizing hormones.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome may also be called as functional ovarian hyperandrogenism. It may also be referred to as polycystic ovary disease or sclerocystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is also known as Leventhal syndrome. Women who are affected by it may have some acne or be affected by type 2 diabetes. They may also suffer resistance to insulin and higher levels of cholesterol as a result. The ovary of a woman who is diagnosed with PCOS has large quantities of eggs that are developing abnormally on it. These may look like small pearls or cysts around the ovary. Although women may experience absence or only a few menstrual cycles, as one of the symptoms, they may also suffer from other menstrual disorders.

Women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome have more male hormones in their bodies. The extra testosterone will then pave the way for the numerous cysts to develop. The release of the excess lutenizing hormone and the higher levels of insulin increase the chance of the development of free androgens. However, although they are called cysts, they are actually immature follicles. These did not develop further because of some problems with the functions of the ovaries.

Those who are diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome may be managed and treated depending on the objectives of the patients. They may go for treatment to decrease their insulin levels or to restore their fertility. They may also opt for the treatment of their acne or to restore regular menstrual cycles. They may also choose treatment to prevent endometrial cancer as well as hyperplasia. However, women may improve their condition on whatever treatment they undergo if they do something about losing weight and eating healthy balanced diet. Women who are affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome may still get pregnant. They may however, be suffering some other causes of infertility or problems with ovulation.



Tips to Healthy Pregnancy


Mothers to be should strive to have healthy pregnancy as much as possible. They may be guided by some healthy pregnancy tips to ensure that they have higher chances of bringing about healthy babies as well. It would be beneficial for women to seek the advice of their health care providers as early as possible even before they get pregnant. They may also have to start changing their food habits as they would need the right kinds of food not only for themselves but for the baby that they are going to have. Aside from healthy foods, they will have to do some form of physical exercises that will allow them to stay in shape throughout and to achieve healthy pregnancy.

Pregnant women do not have to perform strenuous exercises but they can do some simple but effective forms of simple exercises like walking or swimming. Mothers to be who strive for healthy pregnancy can reduce their risks of having miscarriages and other complications that may arise later especially during their labor period and delivery process. They also need to learn more about pregnancy through reading and educating themselves about it. Pregnant women may take pregnancy classes to know more about their condition. It is essential for them to understand everything that they are going through.

Pregnant women who would be experiencing some discomforts such as nausea, constipation or even heartburn should make use of non-medicinal remedies as much as possible. They will have to regularly see their doctors or midwives for proper monitoring and proper guidance especially when it comes to medications. Their regular visits and check ups are part of maintaining healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women should also know the early signs of premature labor so that they would know what to do just in case.

To have healthy pregnancy, mothers to be need to have sufficient rest and sleep. They are advised to sleep on their side as much as possible. The amount and the quality of sleep that they get will also ease some of the discomforts that they may feel. They also need to stay away from harmful substances so that they will be able to keep themselves and their babies healthy and strong. Though every pregnancy is unique, having healthy pregnancy is possible to achieve by every mother to be. Pregnant women need to pay attention to the food that they are eating, to the forms of exercises that they are doing and to the kind of sleep that they are getting. Pregnant women also have to follow their doctors’ advice as well.


Body Pillows for Pregnant Women


There are body pillows for pregnant women for their comfort and benefit while sleeping. Doctors recommend that pregnant women should sleep mostly on their left side. Body pillows would also lessen the aches and the discomforts that they may feel when they wake up. Pregnant women need to be able to sleep properly and comfortably for proper body functions and for the growth of their unborn babies. They also need to feel relaxed and well-rested after a good night’s sleep. Body pillows for pregnant women may also ease their anxiety and their stress as they are relieved when they get to bed to sleep.

Body pillows for pregnant women also prevent them from sleeping on their backs. When a pregnant woman sleeps on her back, she may have poor blood circulation. The baby inside the womb and the placenta stay on the big vein. This inferior vena cava brings oxygenated blood to the lower parts of her body. This situation also restricts the flow of nutrients into the placenta. Pregnant women will feel some cramping pains and at times experience hemorrhoids. Sometimes they may also feel back pains as well. They may use body pillows to prevent these unpleasant aches and other problems.

Body pillows for pregnant women may not be as comfortable as it sounds to those who are used to sleep on their backs. However, pregnant women have to try to learn how to sleep on their left side. This sleeping position may also prevent the vital organs from being pressed because of the weight of the unborn baby and the placenta. They need to protect themselves and their babies while they sleep. Body pillows for pregnant women are designed to provide for this need. These are carefully designed to serve this purpose. Body pillows for pregnant women may ease the pains by providing restful sleep to expectant mothers.

Pregnant women need sufficient sleep not only for themselves but for their unborn babies as well. Insufficient sleep may cause some health problems that may affect the baby. Pregnant women who are able to sleep soundly will have better moods in the morning. They are also happier and less stressed. In turn, this would be very beneficial for the unborn baby too.  Pregnant women may not experience so much difficulty with their pregnancy until they deliver their babies. Body pillows for pregnant women are essential for the well being of the expectant mothers and their unborn babies as well.
