How a Developing Fetus Gets Oxygen and Nutrition


What women eat when they are pregnant will eventually be the source of nutrition for their developing babies inside their womb. The life-support system of the fetus depends on several temporary organs of the body. This includes the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic sac. Women should eat healthy foods as much as possible not only for their own health benefits but for the health of their babies as well. Aside from the food that they eat, the bodies of pregnant women break down some of their muscle and their fat tissues and their bones as well to release proteins, fats and also calcium to sustain the needs of the developing fetus.

The umbilical cord of the fetus is connected to the placenta which absorbs the oxygen and the nutrients from the mother’s bloodstream.  The waste materials from the fetus goes to the placenta as well and then it is transferred back into the mother’s bloodstream for processing. When the developing fetus does not get sufficient nutrition, the placenta may increase in size in order to absorb more nutrients that the baby needs. Doctors may be able to determine if the fetus is receiving enough nutrients based on the size of the placenta. What pregnant women eat will be the source of nutrition for their babies so it is necessary that they consume extra nutrients that are needed for the normal growth and development of their babies prior to birth.

Some of these important nutrients include folic acid and iron which helps in the prevention of birth defects. Medical experts recommend about 300 additional caloric intake each day for the fetus’ development to be sustained. Pregnant women may include healthy snacks in between their regular meals so that their bodies and their babies will have enough source of nourishment. However, there are instances when problems may occur with the placenta. There are cases when placental abruption may happen where the placenta detaches itself off the uterine wall.

When this happens, premature birth may be expected to occur because there is no other way for nutrition and oxygen to be passed on to the fetus. Pregnant women who experience some vaginal bleeding have to see their doctors right away because it might signal problems such as placental abruption. Under normal circumstances the placenta is expelled right after the delivery of the baby. Doctors may also check and examine the placenta to make sure that there is no problem with the health conditions of the mother and the baby after the delivery.


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