Cradle Cap in Babies


Mothers may observe cradle cap in babies during the first few months after their babies are born. This is also referred to by doctors as seborrheic dermatitis. Although cradle cap in babies is not dangerous, it is however unsightly to look at. This scalp condition of babies may last until they are about a year old but is some babies, it could be longer.

Cradle cap in babies does not only appear on their scalp. Sometimes they also have it on their eyebrows, eyelids or on their armpits and in other creases. The real cause of this condition in babies is generally not yet known although doctors think that this may be due to the hormones that the babies have received when their mothers were on their last stages of pregnancy.  These hormones may have stimulated the oil-producing glands in babies thus resulting to cradle cap.

Cradle cap in babies is not transferred to others. However, this may become itchy when there is too much of it on the babies’ scalps. Mothers may just let this condition as it is but if they are bothered, they can do something about it. They can massage the scalp of their babies or they can also make use of a soft brush to gently loosen the scales off. Mothers may also try shampooing their babies more often and then brushing their hair carefully. They make check on baby shampoos that are manufactured for this purpose.

If the cradle cap in babies persists, mothers can try to swab some natural oil on the scalp and they may leave it for a few minutes before gently brushing off the scales. This remedy should be followed by shampooing the babies to remove the other flakes and the oil on their hair and on their scalp. However, if all remedies fail and mothers see that the cradle cap in babies is severe, they may consult with their doctors so that proper treatment may be given especially when there is some yeast infection or the scalp looks inflamed.

To lessen the occurrence of cradle cap in babies, mothers may keep the scalp of their babies hydrated. They can put some emollient ointment on the affected areas after shampooing and patting their hair a little to remove excess water. The use of ointments will keep the scalp hydrated by retaining a little water above the crusts. Mothers may also give more water intake for their babies to keep their skin hydrated from inside. These are some of the things that mothers can do in order to ease their problem on cradle cap in babies.


Baby Body Temperature and Fever


Baby body temperature may indicate fever in infants. Baby fever occurs when the body temperature rises above the normal range which is about 37°C or 98.6°F. However, when the temperature is taken from the armpit, mothers may expect a little lower baby body temperature. There are different methods of taking baby body temperature such as electronic thermometer placed on the armpit, fever strips on the forehead or infrared ear thermometers. Baby fever may be expected from time to time as the baby grows though it does not necessarily mean that the baby has a serious illness. However, if there are other signs or symptoms that can be observed, the baby may be brought to the doctor for proper diagnosis.

A higher baby body temperature may indicate some viral or bacterial infection. The fever stimulates the body to fight the infection and it also creates an environment that will weaken the microorganisms that have invaded the body. There are times when a baby does not have any infection but may have a higher baby body temperature than normal. Parents especially mothers have to know that babies have not yet fully developed their systems including those that are used to control baby body temperature. Thus, when mothers over wrap their babies or when the temperature in the house is very warm, their body temperature rises.

Mothers may also observe other symptoms aside from the baby body temperature that indicate baby fever. The baby may appear flushed and may not have the appetite to suck milk or eat food. The baby may also cry incessantly. If there are other signs such as vomiting or diarrhoea as well as difficulty in breathing, mothers will have to bring their babies to the hospital or call for emergency help. The baby may also need medical attention if the baby body temperature or fever does not go down within 24 hours or if it shoots up to 39°C or 103°F.

When a mother feels that the baby body temperature is higher than normal, she may give some safe medication to the baby. She has to give the baby lots of fluid intake to prevent dehydration from occurring. The mother should also be very observant as there are a few cases when a baby fever may cause febrile convulsion or seizure. When this happens, it is necessary to bring the baby to a doctor to determine possible causes of the seizure. The best thing that a mother can do at this time is not to panic and to call for immediate help.



Nutrition in Pregnancy


Women who observe proper nutrition in pregnancy have lesser problems and complications. They also tend to have bigger and healthier babies upon delivery. Proper nutrition in pregnancy includes foods that contain nutrients that pregnant women and their babies need. Pregnant women may eat a variety of food such as bread, cereals or grains as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. They may also have some meat, poultry and also beans, eggs and nuts. Pregnant women may also add to their diet some dairy products such as milk, yogurt and also some cheese.

However, though pregnant women may have variation in their food choices, they have to take note of the quantity of food serving that they will eat. For the bread, grains and cereals group, they may have about 6 to 11 servings. They may have to consult the food pyramid in order for them to know how much of each kind they can eat in a meal. A plate of pasta contains more calories that two slices of bread for example. Pregnant women may also eat grains and cereals that are fortified with B vitamins as well as with iron.

Proper nutrition in pregnancy should also include fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals which are essential for maintaining good health of both mother and the developing fetus. Fruits may include oranges, grapefruits, berries, cantaloupe, apricots and many more. Aside from the vitamins and the minerals that are found in vegetables, the fibrous ones may prevent the occurrence of constipation among pregnant women. It is important for pregnant women to eat more of the fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C on a daily basis since the body is not able to store this important vitamin.

Proper nutrition in pregnancy should also include proteins that may come from fish, chicken, meat and also from beans, eggs and nuts as well. Sufficient amount of protein is needed for the cells to grow and to replace the old ones.  Dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt not only provides protein but calcium as well. Calcium is especially important for the mother and for the baby especially in teeth and bone formation. There are a variety of delectable dishes where dairy products may be included for women who do not like to drink their milk.

Pregnant women may be guided by the food pyramid. They may also consult their nutritionists or their dieticians in order for them to eat the right kind of foods all throughout their pregnancy. After all, it is not only their health that is at stake but it is also for the health of the developing babies inside their wombs.

