Protection of Babies from Heat


Parents have to provide for the protection of babies from heat. Parents have to keep their babies warm during the first few hours of their lives. However, babies naturally adjust to the temperature of their environment in due time. Though their body systems are able to adjust its thermal regulation, they still have to be protected especially from excessive heat. Babies may show some signs of not being able to withstand the outside heat. They can be nervous or at times they may exhibit lack of appetite. There are times when they may also have some slight fever.

Parents must see to it that they include the right protection of babies from heat while they take care of them. Babies need this heat protection at home or in the car and anywhere they are brought. Parents should see to it that their homes are well-ventilated especially the room where their babies would spend a lot of time. They may also use some window shutters or sun curtains to keep the heat from entering the room. Parents may also make use of ceiling fans but they must see to it that it is not positioned directly on their babies.  They may opt to use air conditioning systems.

However, parents must see to it that the temperature is not too cold for their babies. Extreme temperatures may be detrimental to the health of their babies. Parents have to be ready to bring something for the protection of babies from heat or from cold as well. They must be able to regulate the temperature as much as possible. But if not, parents will have to make use of protective gears to put on their babies. Though babies need some direct sun, they may be brought out to catch the early morning sun. Too strong sun may damage the thin skin of babies.

Parents may also see to it that they have provisions for keeping their infants hydrated as part of the protection of babies from heat. Babies need to be given enough liquid drinks especially when it is very warm. Parents should bring their babies to their doctors or health care providers if they show signs of being dehydrated. It is essential for parents to be alert because their babies may not only suffer from dehydration but from heat stroke which can be fatal. However, this may be avoided if parents are ready with everything especially in the protection of babies from heat.


Dispelling Birth Control Pill Myths


There have been some contentions about the long term effects or birth control pills. Women in particular should be enlightened about the myths that have been hovering around for quite some time now. This has also been one of the most studied topics in the medical field. Some studies also indicate that the lack of knowledge or the belief in these myths account for some unwanted pregnancies all throughout the world. Women need to be properly educated on this matter so that they may dispel whatever misconceptions that they have when it comes to birth control pills.

One of the most common thoughts about birth control pills is that women will gain weight. Research indicates that it is not the pill itself that makes women to gain some weight. Although it may make them feel bloated because of the estrogen that is contained in it; it is not the cause. Birth control pills contain progestin as well which increases the appetite of women. Their increased appetite may bring weight gain if they do not control their food intake. Some women may retain more water while they are on the pill. However, they can correct this by taking lower doses instead.

Women may also believe in the myth that they should take a break after several years of taking birth control pills. However, medical experts believe that women may take it for more than fifteen years without any problem. Those who choose to have a break from it are at risk of getting pregnant especially when they are sexually active. They may also have to adjust again when they resume taking pills. Some women also think that birth control pills are not safe and that they may cause some birth defects. The pill has been proven by medical experts to be safe and may also bring other benefits as well.

Women at times blame birth control pills for their infertility. At times, the cause may be due to age related factors especially when the fertility period starts to slow down. Women may not also be aware that they already have some problems with fertility even before they started taking birth control pills. Women need to consult with their doctors if they would like to take birth control pills. There are different brands and these may contain different levels of hormones which may affect the body systems of women. One particular brand may have some side effects on some women but not to others.

Women who smoke should see their doctors first if they would be allowed to take birth control pills. Smoking may increase their chances of suffering from a stroke especially when they are about 35 years old or more. They may be given the appropriate kinds and doses of pills that are suitable for them. These are some of the myths about birth control pills that should be dispelled. Women should be very honest with their doctors as to their conditions or their lifestyles. Their doctors will be able to recommend the right brand or kind and the right dose for them.


Developmental Stages in Pregnancy


Learning about the different stages in pregnancy will help women to care more about themselves and their babies before they are born. Women may undergo different experiences as their unborn babies grow and develop in their wombs. For the first trimester, pregnant women may crave for particular foods. They may also feel moody at times because of some hormonal changes taking place inside their bodies. At this time, their babies’ brain and their spinal cord are being developed. The heart and the lungs also start to be formed. Their fingers, toes as well as their arms and legs are slowly developed too. By day 25, the babies inside the womb start to have heart beats.

The second trimester during the developmental stages in pregnancy will not be too difficult for pregnant women. They will have lesser morning sickness episodes and other symptoms. Pregnant women may now have more appetite and would start to gain weight. Their bellies tend to grow bigger at this time. The babies inside the womb would start to grow their eyelashes and their eyebrows. They may also have their fingernails developed and they may be able to make a fist already. By the 28th week, pregnant women may feel their babies kicking inside. Their babies may also start sucking their thumbs and may open and close their eyelids.

Pregnant women’s belly will grow fast during the last developmental stages in pregnancy. At times, they may feel some pains especially on the lower part of their bodies. Pregnant women may also feel the first signs of milk coming out of their breasts. Their babies inside have now fully developed and continue to grow. Babies may now open and close their eyes but they could only see some blurry light. By the end of the last trimester, pregnant women may feel the pressure of the weight of their babies in their pelvic area. Their babies are now getting in position for delivery.

Women should know what is happening in each of the different stages in pregnancy. Their knowledge will help them ease the pains and aches. They will also have the opportunity to prepare for their delivery without undue stress. As they monitor the progress of their babies with the help of their doctors, they may be able to prevent complications especially during the delivery period. Pregnancy may also be a wonderful experience to women who are ready to undergo the process. Their knowledge about the things to expect and to feel during the different stages in pregnancy will be of an advantage to them throughout the process.

