Women, Pregnancy and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


One of the fears of women is for them to suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS as it is referred to, is an endocrine disorder that affects women anywhere between the ages of 12 and 45.  This is also considered as a genetic disorder; hence, it can run in the family as it is inherited by an offspring from a parent. Polycystic ovarian syndrome may be one main cause of sub-fertility among women. Women who may be affected by PCOS may experience irregular menstruation and anovulation. They may also have amenorrhea, polycystic ovaries as well as some extra amount of masculinizing hormones.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome may also be called as functional ovarian hyperandrogenism. It may also be referred to as polycystic ovary disease or sclerocystic ovary syndrome. PCOS is also known as Leventhal syndrome. Women who are affected by it may have some acne or be affected by type 2 diabetes. They may also suffer resistance to insulin and higher levels of cholesterol as a result. The ovary of a woman who is diagnosed with PCOS has large quantities of eggs that are developing abnormally on it. These may look like small pearls or cysts around the ovary. Although women may experience absence or only a few menstrual cycles, as one of the symptoms, they may also suffer from other menstrual disorders.

Women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome have more male hormones in their bodies. The extra testosterone will then pave the way for the numerous cysts to develop. The release of the excess lutenizing hormone and the higher levels of insulin increase the chance of the development of free androgens. However, although they are called cysts, they are actually immature follicles. These did not develop further because of some problems with the functions of the ovaries.

Those who are diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome may be managed and treated depending on the objectives of the patients. They may go for treatment to decrease their insulin levels or to restore their fertility. They may also opt for the treatment of their acne or to restore regular menstrual cycles. They may also choose treatment to prevent endometrial cancer as well as hyperplasia. However, women may improve their condition on whatever treatment they undergo if they do something about losing weight and eating healthy balanced diet. Women who are affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome may still get pregnant. They may however, be suffering some other causes of infertility or problems with ovulation.

