Planned Pregnancy


A planned pregnancy may be a better option than unwanted ones. Women may also have more advantages if they anticipate the coming of their babies rather than dreading that special day. Planned pregnancy may lessen the risks of complications as well as decrease the probability or abnormalities. Women are most likely to be less stressed with their pregnancy if they are ready for it. They may also be able to conceive easily as their bodies and their minds are ready for this task. They may also prepare so that they may be in the best physical and mental health when they would like to have their babies.

Planned pregnancy will also bring about healthier babies. Women who are ready to become pregnant will also be able to lessen their worries and their stress. This will both benefit them and their babies as well. Women will also be able to lessen their pregnancy pains and may ease their delivery too. Couples may decide when they are ready to have their babies. However, they may have to consider some important things. They may need to change their lifestyles and habits if they would like to become good parents to their babies.

Couples especially the women, need to make some important changes not only in their lifestyles but also in their diet. They have to prepare themselves physically so that they will bring about healthy and strong babies. Planned pregnancy would require them to eat healthy and nutritious foods not only for themselves but also for their babies to be. Women must avoid substances that may harm them and their babies. They should avoid cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking as much as possible. They may also consult with their obstetrician for proper care and guidance at the onset of their pregnancy.

Women who may be under some form of medication should also ask their doctors about the best things that they can do prior to their planned pregnancy. They may still have the chance to have healthy babies but they have to be careful and follow the advices of their doctors. Planned pregnancy may be the best options for women who would like to have their babies when they are ready for them. However, some women do not plan and get pregnant along the way. They will have to take care of themselves and their babies as best as they can. For others who do not find themselves in this predicament will have to think of planned pregnancy for them to have healthier babies.


Developmental Stages in Pregnancy


Learning about the different stages in pregnancy will help women to care more about themselves and their babies before they are born. Women may undergo different experiences as their unborn babies grow and develop in their wombs. For the first trimester, pregnant women may crave for particular foods. They may also feel moody at times because of some hormonal changes taking place inside their bodies. At this time, their babies’ brain and their spinal cord are being developed. The heart and the lungs also start to be formed. Their fingers, toes as well as their arms and legs are slowly developed too. By day 25, the babies inside the womb start to have heart beats.

The second trimester during the developmental stages in pregnancy will not be too difficult for pregnant women. They will have lesser morning sickness episodes and other symptoms. Pregnant women may now have more appetite and would start to gain weight. Their bellies tend to grow bigger at this time. The babies inside the womb would start to grow their eyelashes and their eyebrows. They may also have their fingernails developed and they may be able to make a fist already. By the 28th week, pregnant women may feel their babies kicking inside. Their babies may also start sucking their thumbs and may open and close their eyelids.

Pregnant women’s belly will grow fast during the last developmental stages in pregnancy. At times, they may feel some pains especially on the lower part of their bodies. Pregnant women may also feel the first signs of milk coming out of their breasts. Their babies inside have now fully developed and continue to grow. Babies may now open and close their eyes but they could only see some blurry light. By the end of the last trimester, pregnant women may feel the pressure of the weight of their babies in their pelvic area. Their babies are now getting in position for delivery.

Women should know what is happening in each of the different stages in pregnancy. Their knowledge will help them ease the pains and aches. They will also have the opportunity to prepare for their delivery without undue stress. As they monitor the progress of their babies with the help of their doctors, they may be able to prevent complications especially during the delivery period. Pregnancy may also be a wonderful experience to women who are ready to undergo the process. Their knowledge about the things to expect and to feel during the different stages in pregnancy will be of an advantage to them throughout the process.



Smoking and Pregnancy


Smoking and Pregnancy

There are countless people including pregnant women who smoke cigarettes at present. Some of these women may not be aware of the negative effects of their smoking habits on the unborn within their womb. The harmful substances may affect the growth and development of the fetus. Pregnant women who are heavy smokers have greater chances of experience abnormal conditions such as ectopic pregnancy. This usually occurs during their first trimester. The embryo may not grow as expected in its proper place. Instead it may develop along the fallopian tubes. When this happens, there is no chance for fetal survival. The life of the mother is also in danger as well.

Other studies also presents that pregnant women who smoke cigarettes also increase their risk of developing other health complications. They are more prone to problems in relation to the placenta. They may experience conditions where it blocks the entry point to the cervix. Cigarette smoking has degenerative effect on fetal growth and development. Babies may be born with weights below normal. They may likewise be affected by some diseases. Babies are more prone to suffer conditions such as cerebral palsy or mental deficiency as well as retardation too. At times, they may die because of weak bodies. Other babies may suffer from physical defects like cleft palate.

Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes may also affect the health of their babies after they are born. There have been some studies that present how nicotine can be absorbed by babies through breastfeeding. Nursing mothers may have some difficulty in controlling their urge to smoke. They may not also be aware that it is possible for their babies to be affected by their smoking habits right from the milk from their breasts. This may also be one of the causes for the babies to be smokers when they reach early adult life.

Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes have to make the right choices not only for themselves but for the unborn in their womb too. These unborn beings do not have to suffer the dangers and ill-effects of smoking cigarettes. It is the mothers’ responsibility to carry and bring out healthy babies into this world. Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes will have to decide. They will have to think about dragging the unborn beings into miserable lives that they did not choose. The ill-effects of cigarette smoking do not end in giving birth. Babies will be affected throughout their entire lives. Pregnant women have responsibilities towards themselves and to their babies as well.
